Armocromia: how to enhance yourself with the help of colours


Armocromia: how to enhance yourself with the help of colours

Who doesn't love colors? I personally find them an excellent excuse to play with your imagination together with your own style! But have you ever wondered which colors suit you best? Precisely for this reason in this article we will address the importance of chromatic sensitivity, that is, being able to recognize the different shades of color in order to best match them to our undertone. For beginners in this field, the undertone is nothing more than the color that lies beneath the surface of our skin and which influences the "temperature" of the complexion making it unique. Specifically, we find three types of categories to define it, namely: cold, warm and neutral.
Let's look at them together to help us better understand which category we belong to:
  • The warm undertone has a predominance of yellow and orange pigments, which are perfectly associated with golden, peach or amber skin.
  • The cold undertone, on the other hand, has a predominance of pink, blue, gray and green pigments, so we can very well associate it with rosy skin.
  • The neutral undertone includes the mix of both, therefore 50% warm and 50% cold, a middle ground which is however quite rare.
So, why is it important to know your undertone? To know how to value yourself! Precisely for this reason today I will try to explain in a simple way what color harmony is, why we talk about seasons, and what the relevant subgroups are in order to find the combination of shades capable of enhancing us best.

What is armochromia?

Armocromia is certainly a technique that is acquired by exercising the eye: over time! So don't worry if it may seem complicated at first, in truth it will be very fun and useful to be able to understand the techniques of the various combinations.
Each color combination refers to the different seasons of the year and their variety of colors taking into account these three points:
  • The color of your eyes
  • The color of your hair
  • The color of your skin
So, depending on how light or dark each of these shades are, one of the four seasons is associated: spring, summer, autumn or winter, which, based on their colors, will get the best out of your features if paired correctly. This doesn't mean we can't experiment outside of our season, but we can look at it as a starting point.

Let's analyze the seasons:
Usually those with a cold undertone belong to winter or summer, while those with a warm undertone belong to spring or autumn.
But taking intensity into account, everything changes!


The cold undertone with high intensity belongs to Winter.
This season delights us with its enchanting snowy landscapes and particular scents.
Those who belong to this category usually have olive skin and the colors that enhance this season are mostly bright, saturated and lively colors! Like deep blue, grey, fuchsia, red and even black.
The subgroups this season are:
Deep specific characteristics: dark brown or black hair and eyes.
Cool specific characteristics: ash blond or light brown hair, light brown, blue or gray eyes.
Clear specific characteristics: medium to dark brown or black hair, bright green or blue eyes.


The warm undertone with medium-low intensity belongs to the autumn.
Those who belong to this category usually have warm-toned skin, therefore tending towards amber or golden.
Just like the leaves, the sky and the autumn atmosphere, the colors that enhance this season are all shades of brown, burgundy and forest green.
The subgroups this season are:
Deep specific characteristics: medium to dark brown hair with golden highlights, dark blue, intense green, hazel or dark brown/black eyes.
Warm specific characteristics: medium-golden brown or warm auburn hair, green, hazel or light brown eyes.
Soft (Delicate) specific characteristics: blonde, medium brown or reddish hair, green, hazel or light brown eyes.


The cold undertone with low intensity belongs to summer.
Those who belong to this category usually have light and pink skin tones.
The colors that enhance one of the freshest and most colorful seasons of the year, contrary to what you might think, are precisely the coldest ones! So go with pastel colors, all shades of blue and soft colors.
The subgroups this season are:
Cool (Cold) specific characteristics: medium/dark ashy brown hair, blue or greyish eyes.
Light specific characteristics: light to medium ashy blonde hair, blue or green eyes.
Soft (Delicate) specific characteristics: medium to dark brown hair, grey, blue or hazel eyes.


The warm undertone with high intensity belongs to spring.

Those who belong to this category usually have light-toned skin with pink or peachy undertones.

Spring is certainly one of the seasons most accompanied by the thousand colors that nature gives us, which is why those that enhance it are bright and enveloping colors, such as coral red, orange and pistachio green.

The subgroups this season are:

Warm specific characteristics: hair from blond to auburn, light brown or golden, green, blue, hazel or light brown eyes.
Light specific characteristics: blond or golden brown hair, blue, green, hazel or light brown eyes.
Clear specific characteristics: dark brown or bright golden hair, green, blue or light brown eyes.


Small fashion tips:

Color harmony is not only valid for clothing, but also for makeup!

The colors are beautiful, but we can't risk finding a rainbow in our wardrobe or in our makeup collection. Especially in makeup, the choice of foundation is important, which becomes essential for a natural and flawless result. As we saw previously, just keep your undertone in mind:

Cold: pink skin (winter or summer palette)
Warm: golden skin (autumn or spring palette)

At this point you will ask yourself: how to recognize the right shade of your foundation? Trying it on your neck! The wrist and back of the hand are not really suitable, as by presenting a slightly different undertone, they could be misleading and lead you towards the wrong choice.

Now there is no doubt: you are ready to enrich your wardrobe, and yes, even your beauty case!
Become the artist and choose the color palette best suited to you to enhance your look.