Khloè against violence against women

Khloè contro la violenza sulle donne

Khloè against violence against women

"We have been loved and hated,
adored and denied,
kissed and killed,
just because they are women."
–Alda Merini
What does it mean to be a woman today? It means moving in an evolving scenario, which requires more and more protagonists. It means becoming aware of your talent, value, beauty and possibilities. We would like it to also mean no longer being afraid. 
Even today we are forced to talk about violence against women. We need a day that reminds us that all this happens, and maybe not too far away from us. Maybe because we forget that violence can be a slap, but also much more. It can be someone who belittles your work. Someone who makes you feel inadequate. Someone who denies your freedom of action, of choice, of thought. Violence is walking down a street and having to look around. Perceiving a prolonged gaze as a threat. This is part of the normality of many women, but it is not normality, it is not how it should go. 
What we hope for today is, rather, that we can, all of us, feel safe every day in our paths, in achieving our goals, in creating affections, bonds, in our exploration of the world. That red shoes can once again mean just a well-chosen accessory for those outfits that we like to talk about so much, without having to become, even for one day a year, a symbol of pain, of loss, of non-change. That women can simply feel like women and occupy, each in their own way but to the fullest of their will, the place they have chosen.